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Planning for the Future






   1. To spend time with the girls facilitating a meeting where they design their future group.


   2.  I want to offer an indepth writing workshop where they can deepen their skills at writing poetry and memoirs; gain some basic skills in editing, formatting their writing, and learning how to keep track of their work and document their process.  


    3.  It is necessary to purchase a writing table, chairs and a bookcase so they can work properly in ongoing weekly meetings. 


    3.  The girls want   to meet other girls groups in Haitil to take trips   to other parts of the country, become familiar with libraries in the city and other arts organziatoins.  They have discussed attending conferences where they can share their arts and gain skill sinleadership advocacy and fiscal literacy.


PHASE TWO will be designed by the girls and include their expanded classes, as well as taking a more active role in the leadership and administration of the group.


PHASE THREE  will be developed by the girls and include publication of a book of their poems, as well as strengthening their skills and knowledge and participation in their country.





If I can succeed in this endeavor, it will be a model for others to find ways to reach inside and transform an often irresistible depression.  Our youth today are often haunted by an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and helplessness that leads to humiliation and suffering.  A process of intelligent and compassionate engagement in creative arts can transform depression or aggression into the zeal for life and transformation.  How do we help young people, like the girls, and other displaced or isolated youth, to find themselves able to find meaning?


Laura Simms, January 2014

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